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8/30/2023 Banks are in the proposal phase of their banking reforms. What this means is they have made an offer that will move them towards new transactions based on Basel 3 compliance requirements. The next phase will be to test these new requirements inside the markets. This will call shifts in prices all over the stock market as well as the commodity sector.
It is an attempt to find balance between debt to equity ratios that work. Once new ratios are formulated, we will see final rules and comments come into play by the end of November per article shared in this room a few weeks ago.
The month of December is when the banking system closes their books on the year. It is a time when banks make changes and adjustments to prepare for the new year.
© Goldilocks Link
"For those who did not join Q and A chat while Wiley was there:
In a nutshell, forget EVERYTHING you heard about exchanges and redemptions. Everyone gets the same rates. Banks will be where we go for the process. Wiley said there is no tier 4B. Only specific groups will receive any notifications. Everyone else will hear through the thousands of chats.
Freedom Fighter did I miss anything?"
Q & A Link
"There will not be any discussion about Humanitarian projects during the exchanges. That will come later."
Healthy4Life Link
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