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- Planning Tips | SeedsofWisdomTeamSeeds of Wisdom Team encourages you and produces educational materials to help you achieve generational growth and wealth for you and your family.True generational wealth is found in the Kingdom of Jesus.
Seeds of wisdom was created several years ago for your education. We continue to stay on course Growing Minds with Knowledge and Care. Planning Planning Planning Planning for Financial Success Navigate the complexities of wealth management with our expert guidance. Directory Link The Millionaire Mindset Financial Success Learn from the views and habits of millionaires. Investment Strategies Explore where millionaires keep and grow their money. "Negotiation - Never negotiate from a position of weakness or from a poverty mentality. Doing so is foolish and unwise and have fact-based information to support our positions." The Mindset Of Millionaires — How Their Views Can Lead To Financial Success Link Where Do Millionaires Keep Their Money? Link Bank high-yield savings and MMFs are pushing 5%, some over, right now. See Bankrate.com. Open an IntraFi account as described weeks ago and let your banker open as many accounts as necessary in as many banks as necessary (stopping each acct short of 250k) as is necessary. Easy peasy, was the point rather than telling a broker, your Brand New Broker, that he has to open 100 250k accounts to protect your 25 mil, which aren’t protected anyway. READ a MMF prospectus… says they are NOT guaranteed Learn something new daily Link Writing a project You Tube Projects Planning Financial Trust Knowledge is Power 1 Education Access resources on topics like Forex and the IMF. Fast Fact Link 2 Insights Stay informed about market trends and financial strategies. 3 Planning Utilize tools and charts for effective financial management. CBI Forex IMF Negotiation Strategy Negotiate from a position of strength with fact-based information. 1 Education Access resources on topics like Forex and the IMF. Fast Fact Link 2 Insights Stay informed about market trends and financial strategies. 3 Planning Utilize tools and charts for effective financial management. Benchmark Blockchain Fintech Beginner’s Guide Stellar Stellar Blockchain Bitcoin Beginners Guide Types Of Cryptocurrencies Sudden Wealth Syndrome Suddenly Rich 6 Things About Money Biggest Mistakes *67 blocks your number. Gold Standard Treasury Direct Account LIBOR to SOFR Central Bank ISO 20022 Language of Payments Tier One Banks Link CEO of your money highlight both wisdom and practicality: Annuities for Stability: They can indeed offer lower-risk, steady returns, making them a valuable tool for retirement planning or when seeking a guaranteed income stream. It's important to review terms carefully to ensure they align with your financial goals. Exploring Opportunities: Wealth managers (WM) often have access to exclusive opportunities. Leveraging their expertise can uncover investment options you might not discover on your own. However, always ensure their suggestions align with your values and risk tolerance. Be the CEO of Your Money: This is such a powerful mindset! As the CEO, you oversee your financial goals, while a skilled WM acts as your CFO, executing strategies and managing risks. Collaboration and trust are key to this relationship. Build Relationships Strategically: A good WM will understand your goals and work proactively to meet them. Establishing trust and open communication is essential for a productive partnership. Don’t Fear Tough Decisions: Money management is a business decision. It’s vital to evaluate performance and be willing to make changes if the relationship isn’t yielding results. Detaching emotions and focusing on the bigger picture is a hallmark of successful financial leadership. This approach puts you in control while leveraging professional expertise effectively. It’s a fantastic strategy for maintaining both accountability and adaptability in managing wealth. Planning Chart Org Chart Professional report Foundation 10 Financial Questions Investopedia Tier Banking Info books videos Planning chart Get an EIN Financial Planning Foundation Planning-Resource Room Projects Example-org-chart Project-proposal Education Topic Color your world Rhonda's Interviews Planning Tips-White Recordings RV Docs Donald Trump Projects Trust Glossary Telegram How to Download Subscribe Recordings Recordings Recordings Podcast Free Recordings Rhonda's Interviews Start your businesses VIP's How to download
- Books. Videos. Info | SeedsofWisdomTeamSeeds of Wisdom Team encourages you and produces educational materials to help you achieve generational growth and wealth for you and your family.True generational wealth is found in the Kingdom of Jesus.
Get the best in factual breaking news and enjoy educating yourself with our books and videos. Top of Page Untitled Untitled Untitled Book and Video Book and Video Book and Video The Wizard of Oz meaning. Here's The Real, Forgotten Meaning Of "The Wizard of Oz" (yahoo.com) werdsmith.com/genesology/0teEOBDMC 16 Hidden Symbolic Messages in The Wizard of Oz You May Have Missed (historycollection.com ) The Wizard of Oz (Film) Symbols, Allegory, and Motifs | GradeSaver Here's The Real, Forgotten Meaning Of 'The Wizard Of Oz' (yahoo.com) JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick All links removed on this topic Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Confessions of an Economic Hitman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUDTRfbs-oM&feature=youtu.be Here is the link to the documentary movie https://youtu.be/U71-KsDArFM Recap: The end of the road by Monkey films on Amazon Prime End of the Road: https://tubitv.com/movies/451883/end_of_the_road Some of the links do get old and stop working. In that case, you will need to reach and find them in other places. CHRISTOPHER STORY https://christopherstory.org/ John McAfee $Whakd - Dead Man's Switch https://www.dagnyintel.com/post/dead-man-s-switc h H ow To Loan Money To Family Members The Right Way Money vs Wealth – Strategizing For a Better Future 15 Things To Do If You Get Rich All of a Sudden - Alux.com Uh Oh! I’m Suddenly Rich. Now What Do I Do? Glossary of Financial Terms L ink Your Financial Health Checkup Suddenly you’re rich: Now what? - The Globe and Mail 10 Things Wealthy People Do Every Day (And You Should Too) Mill ionaires Reveal 7 Habits That Will Help You Become Rich History of the IraqiI Dinar Exchange Rate LINK Dr. Shabibi Answering Questions LINK Okie explains the 13303 Okie 00:00 / 08:39 Did Trump Buy Dinar? Link Did Trump Buy Dinar? Link Did Trump Buy Dinar? Link Your Straw Man (Strawman) is an Artificial Person. LINK Strawman - The Nature of the Cage Is a Documentary Film, Which Sets About Explaining the Complexities Surrounding Legal Terms That You May Have Never Heard About Before, Or At Least Not in This Context. What You Perceive as Legal, Does Not Always Mean It Is Law, In Fact Very Often It Doesn't. Strawman - The Nature of the Cage Is a Cutting-Edge Documentary Like No Other. It Highlights the Truth Around Debt, The Legal Fiction, Lawful and Legal, Debt Collectors, Bailiffs, And Modern-Day Policing. The Film Gives a Detailed Overview as To How You Can Address These Issues in Your Personal Life, Offering Knowledge on How to Lawfully Deal with Any Kind of Authority, If You Haven't Broken Any Laws. John K Webster, Who Has Spent 18 Months Researching and Making This Film, Has One Goal... Having Noticed the Increase of Suicides in The UK That Relate Directly to Monetary Worries, He Says "If This Film Saves One Life, My Work Is Done." It Is Said, That You Must First Know That You Are In A Cage Before You Can Escape From That Cage! Just a Dude The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve G. Edward Griffin: Know-Something-Wrong The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. G. Edward Griffin: https://www.amazon.com/Creature-Jekyll-Island-Federal-Reserve/dp/091298645X G. Edward Griffin: This Is the John Birch Society This lecture was originally filmed in 1969 as a comprehensive introduction to the john birch society. The passing of years only serves to make this presentation even more impressive by illustrating that society's principles have not changed. Rumble https://rumble.com/v17o1ir-g.-edward-griffin-this-is-the-john-birch-society.html Edward Griffin succinctly explains what the Federal Reserve System actually is: "It's a cartel. It's not a government agency, it has the appearance of it being a government agency. They went to great lengths to give it that facade... In it's essence, It's a cartel... They got together. They drew up the rules and regulations for their own industry.. To self regulate their own industry.. It's what cartels do. And then they sent it to congress and they took off the label off the top that said 'banking cartel' and they erased that and they said 'Federal Reserve Act.' Congress passed it into law. And that's why we think it's a government agency it's because if you don't obey the rules that they set down for their own industry you go to prison." Rumble (https://rumble.com/v2cuola-the-fed-is-a-cartel-edward-griffin.html ) Full Dig: https://pepelivesmatter.substack.com/p/the-creature-from-jekyll-island G. Edward Griffin: This Is The John Birch Society This Lecture Was Originally Filmed In 1969 As A Comprehensive Introduction to the John Birch Society. The Passing of Years Only Serves to Make This Presentation Even More Impressive by Illustra INESTERING The book, "Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey", by Ingersoll Lockwood, came out in 1893. It's about a boy named Baron Trump who can time travel. His next book was called "The Last President", of which the president had a cabinet member named Pence. Here are both books in their entirety. Read More Are You Ready For A.I. To Monitor Your Thoughts? Read More NEW - A group of nine humanoid robots "answered questions" from reporters at a pro-AI UN summit in Geneva. Read More Left Wing Group PETA is Using Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT to Rewrite The Bible – Aims to Eliminate Animal Cruelty and Veganism to Younger Generations Read More
- What are Basel III and Basel IV?
63f642c7-fccf-4659-b543-2ff5c8580602 Welcome to the Seeds of Wisdom Team Community We are a team of volunteers who support your growth in achieving generational growth and wealth for you and your family What are Basel III and Basel IV? DOWNLOAD DISCLAIMER
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- Welcome to the forum.In Community Chat ·August 25, 2024We will bring in topics for everyone to keep learning and chat with each other. We have the same G Rated Standards and be aware of scammers all over the internet409
- Seeds of Wisdom Team ForumIn Community Chat ·December 8, 2023We are setting up the forum if needed. Directory | SeedsofWisdomTeam (https://www.seedsofwisdomteam.com/welcome-info) G Rated Standards | SeedsofWisdomTeam(https://www.seedsofwisdomteam.com/standards)3067